Welome to the Out of the Sun Demo! Here are a few quick notes to help avoid confusion.
If you have any trouble with the demo before the final version ships in early October, please contact us! Company information is at the end of this note. Please please please restart your machine without any extensions and try to duplicate the problem before you call. You can hold the shift key down while restarting your machine to temporarily disable your extensions.
If the screen ever goes black and just stays that way, press command-option-shift-esc and click on the Force Quit button, then run the program again. This bug will of course be fixed in the release version, but for now it has us stumped.
This version is designed to work only in 640x480 resolution. The release version will support monitors from 512x384 and up, and will fly at full-screen up to 1024x768.
There is no sound. So if the sound doesn't seem to work on your machine, then that's good, because it isn't supposed to. There will of course be sound in the finished version.
You can only play the QuickStart mission. This mission takes place on a miniature Earth, starting either in Europe or the Pacific. You can fly any plane you wish, and you can choose up to four of each type of plane to fly against.
We've left the full front-end interface in for you to look at, even though you can only play the QuickStart mission. Press QuickStart on the "Choose Battle" screen to choose your plane and your enemies' planes.
OOTS should work with any joystick. It has been tested with Thrustmaster and Flightstick Pro. The keyboard controls are shown below.
The flight models and cockpit graphics are still under development, and are likely to change for the final version.
• Keyboard Controls •
Front View: F1 / Option-1
Rear View: Shift-F1 / Shift-Option-1
Left 60 Degrees: F2 / Option-2
Right 60 Degrees: F3 / Option-3
Look Up Toggle: F4 / Option-4
Left 120 Degrees: F5 / Option-5
Right 120 Degrees: F6 / Option-6
Pan Left: F7 / Option-7
Pan Right: F8 / Option-8
Pan Up: F9 / Option-9
Pan Down: F10 / Option-0
Map Mode: M
Weapons View: Option-M
Padlock View: Option-P
Camera View: O
Track/Inside View: V
Reset View: Control-F1 / Control-Option-1
Zoom In: Page Up / ,
Zoom Out: Page Down / '
Flight Controls
Throttle in Increments of 10%: 1-0
Throttle Up/Down in Increments of .78%: =/-
Flaps Up: [
Flaps Down: ]
Flaps 0/Full Toggle: \
Pitch Trim Up: Pad Plus / Shift-[
Pitch Trim Down: Pad Minus / Shift-]
Pitch Trim Zero: Shift-\
Airbrakes: B
Gear: G
Engine: E
Wheelbrakes: W
General Controls
Pause: P
Show Menus: esc / `
Fast Time: Option-Z
Noise On/Off: Command-N
Engine On/Off: Command-Option-N
Return to Game (from menus): Command-R
Quit Game: Command-Q
Leave Level: Command-X
• Company Information •
Domark Software, Inc.
1900 South Norfolk Street, Suite #110
San Mateo, CA 94403
Sales: (415) 513-8929 x105
Support: (415) 513-8933 (Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 5:00 Pacific Time)